Monday, 18 June 2012

My speech if I was the Secretary General, on the 66th Session of the General Assembly

My Remarks to the General Assembly on Humanity and Human Rights
Thank you Mr. President
Heads of state,
Ladies and Gentlemen
Akin to our core principles that has enabled us stand strong and viable to date I would like to remind ourselves of the great importance of an International System where the right to an international order, where inherent dignity and rights of all is fully realized and respected as stated in Article 28 of the Declaration of Human Rights.
 This is the dream that each and every one here wants to see it happen and live in it without any one disturbing the arrangement put in place. Hence anyone who tries to hamper that kind of establishment in the global arena will be a concern to all,therefore a solution must be sought to fix such a problem. This is because of the global interest and more being a matter related to fundamental human rights.
UN General Assembly
 A preclude of the problem must be sought for to avert the problem which is in the interest of all. That is always our duty Ladies and Gentlemen.
 We as the United Nation have been founded with the dream of establishing a peaceful world where humanity is dignified, and where peace and justice are upheld and adored by all irrespective of class, race, religion and culture.
That is the spirit each of us here carries and represents, hence our indulgence to always maintain normalcy and represent the interests of humanity. That is what defines us.
Protestors Clash with Govt/ Syria
The crisis in Syria, Ladies and Gentlemen, is a big concern to all of us. The way the Government under Al Assad is treating its people is what should not happen in this day and age to any people and by any kind of regime.
Irresponsible sovereignty is the term that best suits Al Assad’s governance. This is because the governments have used the means of violence to which they monopolize to maintain their stay in power against the wish of the people, who want a democratic government. This has induced human suffering and crimes of war which in all have constituted crimes against humanity.   
It is in the search of peace that Mr. Kofi Annan was selected by the Arab league in a United Nations effort to intercede in the conflict between the government under Al Assad and the citizens now turned into rebels. This plan however has failed due to lack of cooperation primarily by the Syrian Government and other key players in the Union.
The six point’s peace plan guideline was a great idea with some of the key roles being: timely provision of humanitarian assistance to all areas affected by the fighting via enabling a two hour humanitarian pause and to coordinate exact time and modalities of the daily pause through efficient mechanisms; It also intended to intensify the pace and scale of release of arbitrarily detained persons.
 This recommendation by Dr. Annan greatly integrated the aspect of an international order where inherent dignity and rights of all were fully realized and respected.
A directive close to that of Dr. Kofi Annan has to be established to commit to work with the Syrian people in an inclusive Syrian-led political process to address the legitimate aspirations and concerns of the Syrian people, and, to this end, commit to appoint an empowered interlocutor.
This will give the Syrian people a room to express what they want and more significantly to choose what bests suits them. This is in accordance with the Charter of the United Nation which in one of its principles mentioned in Article 1.
It states that “To achieve international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural or of a humanitarian character, and promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion; And to be a center for harmonizing the actions for nations in the attainment of these common ends”
 You as representatives of states have to know that a quick solution to this problem has to be found and normalcy be realized as soon as possible. This is the time when members of the Security Council should all have one say and one stand.                          
The emergence of dispute between Sudan and South Sudan is another matter that needs to be handled with great sobriety given the volatility of the area, and the need for peace and stability after a close to two decades of war in the South.
 The international community cannot afford to let this matter slip off its hand hence we should act with the urgency that matches the situation we have at hand.
The war that South Sudan and other volatile areas in the North, for instance in Darfur have left a scar that cannot be erased in the history of humanity, given its happening in our modern times where international law and proper mechanism like the UN and other regional organizations have been set up with the capability to handle and solve the matter we are faced with. The same did happen in Rwanda.
We will not remind ourselves of our dark times but we will always strive to avoid such mistakes and fend them off from trailing us hence the importance to note and recognize our past failures. This will help us as much possible not to allow such instances to happen again.
It’s with such great concern and urgency that the United Nation did intervene in the conflict. The Security Council has already issued out a layout of events that will aid in the search for a solution to this crisis.
The problem in place is veritably about demarcation of the boundaries and the heart of the problem arises with how the oil fields that lie at the boundaries will be shared; with much of the fields lying in the Southern part.
With great words of one of our greatest thinkers we have had, a person who believed in the unity and peaceful coexistence of the people in the International system, a global citizen of his days, one Mr. Albert Einstein will enable all stakeholders to establish a blue print that will diligently put in place mechanisms that will have a profound impact on the two countries, the whole region and the international system in a positive way.
 Yes we have to divide up our time like that, between our politics and our equations. But to me our equations are far more important, for politics are only a matter of present concern. A mathematical equation stands forever”.
To enable our principles to concur with Einstein’s mathematical equation; I urge all members to put aside their interest that they expect from either of its allies gaining the margin of victory share.
This means politics must not come into this critical issue, but open mindedness is encouraged and the ability to sacrifice and enable both sides accept a fair ratiocination. As a result we will have settled with ‘our equation’ and our common accord; to bring about peace in the International System in a reasonable way.
Iran nuclear programmes and Israel’s plot to halt it via a pre- emptive attack is also a matrix that concerns us all. The General Assembly and the Security Council have to find a pacific solution to this serious matter that may change our history forever if let go out of our reach at these initial stages.
A nuclear bomb detonation
 Any act by either party may trigger a full-blown crisis that will destabilize the International System and the Middle East in general. A thought of a nuclear war is unimaginable given the massive human and environmental destruction the weapon is capable of infiltrating.
With the previous cases of genocides that have slipped out of our control we have to put this matter into control. The United Nations will therefore have to fully exhaust all possible means to bring these two conflicting countries together, to reach a peaceful consensus. This will be done in the interest of all and key to respect of human life and humanity at large.
The Boko Haram insurgents in Nigeria is another nightmare to humanity, a new dynamic of terrorism, guided by misleading ideologies that should never be allowed to thrive in our day and age. It is a matter of national security in Nigeria, and we hope they will find a solution quick so as to ease and reduce the human suffering and loss of lives which is a prime concern to citizens in Nigeria and all people around the globe given the universality of human rights.
 The United Nations fully supports credible measures the government of Nigeria will pursue in solving that menace, and avert another humanitarian crisis and a possibility of genocide. We are always willing to give a helping hand put that issue to a halt via all passive means.
I would like to thank all who made possible to us in achieving our goals.
Thank you very much.

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